
App Drivers Union About ADU Our Story

Our Story

Against all odds, drivers are fighting for the right to unionize! Unlike most workers, rideshare drivers for companies like Uber and Lyft cannot join or form a union anywhere in the United States…yet. Massachusetts drivers are paving the way, on the road to winning our union. 

Drivers have overcome every obstacle to get here, and we still have more work ahead to achieve the union we rightfully deserve.

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In July, Massachusetts drivers made history when they hand-delivered enough signatures for a first-of-its-kind ballot initiative to win union rights in the rideshare industry. This November, Massachusetts voters will vote on whether rideshare drivers should have union rights. When Ballot Question 3 passes, drivers will have a direct pathway to unionize, which will lead to higher wages, better benefits, and more protections through collective bargaining.

Just as drivers filed to be on the ballot in November, the State Attorney General reached a settlement with Uber and Lyft that established key baseline standards for drivers, including a $32.50 minimum wage for active driver time, not including expenses. However, in the rapidly changing, app-based transportation system, drivers still need union rights to protect and build upon those standards.




Determined to form a union, drivers saw two paths to victory: one at the ballot and one through legislation. Drivers fought for the Rideshare Driver Justice Bill of Rights, introduced by Senators Liz Miranda and Jason Lewis in the Senate and by Representative Frank Moran in the House. In March, Drivers took over Uber headquarters. In July, drivers organized a massive 500-car caravan to the state house. In October, drivers packed a hearing at the statehouse to support the bill. Massachusetts rideshare drivers did not back down on their demands for the freedom to form a union and collectively bargain for better wages, working conditions, and a fair process for deactivations.


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Drivers raised their voices and organized for better pay, protection against deactivations, and safety concerns. They were supported by a coalition of groups, including the Machinists, 32BJ SEIU, and the Chinese Progressive Association. In December, they held their first public rally, gathering hundreds of drivers at the statehouse.



For years, drivers working with the Machinists spoke out and fought for legislation to secure their union rights.


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